North Coast Authors

Not everyone understands the creative process so S.T.A.R.S. established this separate group to provide mutual support from like-minded people for writers. Our aim is to help spark new ideas, make friends in a creative community and guide new authors on their journey to being published either with a publishing house or self publishing. Become a (insert form) member or check out our coming events.

Peter Watt is the patron of our writers’ group. He is one of Australia’s most prolific and successful novelists. Pete’s books have sold millions of copies around the world and have been translated into every major language. His well researched books take the reader from the sweeping vastness of the Australian outback to the battlegrounds that forged the ANZAC legend to the wilds of New Guinea. These powerful novels are a must for all Australians who enjoy a great adventure.

Remote Meetings

We are based in Cairns and the Gold Coast but in 2023 we embraced the digital age with remote meetings and guest speakers so distance, bad weather, heavy traffic or isolation is no longer a problem. In our fun monthly meetings we can discuss our writing projects (if we wish), learn invaluable techniques during our journal segment, listen to our guest authors as they share their writing, researching and publishing experiences.

Public speaking and self promotion is one of the hardest things to accomplish for many people but to promote book sales it is necessary. To encourage self confidence we offer members the opportunity to read out their anthology story for other members to enjoy, laugh, cry or applaud in a safe and friendly environment (but absolutely no pressure). These meetings are free to members. Contact us to join in a meeting.


The objective of our annual anthology is twofold. Firstly, to give members the opportunity to write on a topic outside of their usual comfort zone to prevent their writing from becoming stale. Secondly, to give them inclusion in an annual anthology that is very popular to be given as gifts to family and friends. But importantly they can be used in their author’s biography giving them credibility as a writer. They will soon be available on Amazon and Kindle giving each contributor a digital presence as an author. 

Since 2009 we have produced anthologies in a wide variety of subjects. Each story is only 500 words to enhance the use of strong visual and descriptive language which is the stock and trade of all good writers. Topic for 2024 is Casinos Exotica.


Every month members receive an e-newsletter containing information about upcoming events and writing tips. Our members are invited to add their own contributions, promote their books or share short book/movie reviews. Contact us to subscribe.


Guest authors 2024

Jan 20  Chantal Munro

Feb 24  Craig Ingham

Mar 23  Carole J Stokes ND

Apr 27   Special

May 25  Nerida Marshall on Promoting Your Book

Jun 22   Simon Higgins

Jul 27    Nerida Marshall on Holding A Virtual Book Launch Party

Aug 24  Nicola Gibbon

Sept 28 Livia York The Poetic Phoenix

Oct 26  Peter Watt

Nov 23  Nerida Marshall on Amazing New Workshops for 2025 

Dec   8  Christmas Party

(Dates and speakers are subject to change)